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Todaily: 4.8.24

  • Biological age and Maggie's scale

Deer crossing, 2 miles (sign) how they know where to put that?

  • "Institutional" coffee (name of brand of coffee maker with the orange handle for hot water)
  • Prequel vs. sequel as comparative for data lineage and data provenance
  • "How do people know where a deer crossing sign should go, or not go?"
    • concept "wildlife crossing structure" + concept "landscape connectivity"
    • "Landscape connectivity is the degree to which the landscape facilitates wildlife movement and other ecological flows. However, no two landscapes are the same. Terrain, habitat type, levels of human activity and climate are some factors that influence wildlife movements and ecological flows. Therefore the spacing of wildlife crossings on a given section of roadway will depend largely on the variability of landscape, terrain, population densities, the juxtaposition of critical wildlife habitat that intersects the roadway and the connectivity requirements for different species."
    • https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/clas/...