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Todaily 4.25.24

  • "Andragogy is to learning what pedagogy is to teaching" (incorrect... peda = teaching all and andra = teaching adults)
    • "Malcolm Knowles (1913-1977) was an influential American educator who popularised the term ‘andragogy’, the art and science of how adults learn. It describes the key characteristics of adult learners (as distinct from children ‘pedagogy’). It has become a highly influential adult learning theory and continues to shape learning design today."

  • Lineage, linear, evolution from (misnomers)
  • "The ideal length to simmer a chicken carcass when making stock varies depending on the desired outcome and recipe specifics
        1. 3 to 4 hours - This is a common recommendation for achieving a well-flavored stock. For instance, the Mediterranean Dish suggests simmering for about 3 hours, and RecipeTin Eats also recommends a simmering time of 3 hours for a clear white chicken stock
        2. 6 hours or more - For a more concentrated and richer stock, some sources suggest longer simmering times. For example, a Reddit discussion mentions that simmering for at least 6 hours can yield a more flavorful and well-bodied stock
        3. 12-24 hours - For the deepest extraction of flavors and nutrients, especially when making a bone broth, Elizabeth Rider recommends simmering for 12 to 24 hours"
  • Unleashed vs. enabled?
    • (I.e., "It should feel like / unleashed in you....not [?]"
  • Macro as a contradictory term?
    • Taking a "macro view" refers to seeing the "big picture" (i.e., macro vs. micro)
    • But a "macro lens" lets you see very small things (look at small things as a "big picture"?
      • Explanation: In photography, "macro" refers to lens capability, one that can make small things look big
  • Mnemonic - "throughout" = "throw gout"
  • "Japanese city loses residents’ personal data, which was on paper being transported on a windy day"
  • Derinkuyu / 20,000
    • "Derinkuyu is an ancient multi-level underground city located near the modern town of Derinkuyu in Nevşehir Province, Turkey. It extends to a depth of approximately 85 meters (about 280 feet) and is large enough to have sheltered as many as 20,000 people along with their livestock and food stores"