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Todaily: 4.17.24

  • Waldo Emerson was a Transcendentalist

Robot Cow / "The Bovine Usher" 1885?
  • Automatons
    • "...derived from the Greek word "automaton" meaning "acting of one's own will," are mechanical devices designed to follow a set of movements or operations automatically. These devices can range from simple mechanical objects to complex figures resembling humans or animals, often created to entertain or impress observers with the illusion of autonomous action."

  • "...dates back to ancient civilizations. Historical records and legends mention automated devices such as the animated statues in Egyptian mythology and mechanical doves from ancient Greece"
  • "...into the 19th century, automatons became particularly popular in Europe, with famous examples including the mechanical duck by Jacques de Vaucanson and the chess-playing Turk"
    • More modern example / Showbiz Pizza